Our Vision, Mission and Motto

​​Vision Statement


Our Vision 

Empowered, reflective and connected learners in a contemporary Catholic community.

Mission Statement

​​​We, the community of St Francis College, Crestmead shall reflect in every aspect of our lives the values, beliefs and traditions of our Catholic faith.

We will strive for inner peace and freedom from fear through prayer and reflection. We will nurture a climate that encourages wholeness, esteem, hope, care, compassion and understanding. We will accept each other as individuals with unique talents and gifts. We endeavour at all times to be responsible models for justice and the Franciscan spirit of poverty.

Parents and teachers will work together to foster in our students a desire to learn and encourage the development of basic skills necessary to achieve their full potential in an ever-changing world. Students will be encouraged to make decisions and commitments which will help them grow spiritually, intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially.

We believe that ​​​​God has given us the responsibility of stewardship over Creation. It is the work of students, staff and parents to contribute to the protection and promotion of natural and human welfare to advance the creative activity of God.

With St Francis and S​​​​t Clare, in simplicity and harmony, we will "follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and walk in His Footsteps".​

College Motto and Logo

​​​After his commission at the foot of the San Da​miano Cross, Saint Francis chose a more ancient symbol of redemption as his standard: the Tau cross.

In commenting on the scriptures of Israel, the early Christian writers used its Greek translation, the Septuagint, in which the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the tau, was transcribed as a "T" in Greek.

Saint Francis first encountered this symbol when he was caring for lepers. He and the religious followers of St. Anthony the Hermit, who were working with him, used Christ’s cross; shaped like a Greek "T" - as a protection against the plague and other skin diseases.​

Saint Francis eventually accepted and adapted the “T” as his crest and signature.

For him, the "T" represented life-long fidelity to the​ Passion of Christ. He pledged to serve the least, the leper and outcast of his day.

The College Symbol or badge is a stylized version of the Tau Cross that Francis used ​​as his signature.

The College Motto "In Simplicity and Harmony" stems from the core values and beliefs emanating from the story St Francis of Assisi.

It calls all members of the community to lead a simple life, ridding ourselves of anything that harms us; prejudice, a lack of forgiveness, or a love of things over people; and to live in the peace and harmony of Christ’s commandment - To love one another as I​ have loved you.​
