Senior Years (10-12)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Students in the Senior Years are offered a wide range of academic and vocational subjects and pathways to prepare them for further education, training, or employment after Year 12.

Year 10 serves as a transition year, guiding students in selecting appropriate courses of study for Years 11 and 12. Vocational Education and Training (VET) focuses on equipping students with the skills needed for the workforce.

Senior Years Handbooks and forms are available for download in PDF format.

​Additional Information​​:​

Senior Subject Guide 2025-2026​​

​Year 9 & 10 Curriculum Handbook 

TAFE at School Guide 

​​QTAC Guide 

​QTAC Year 10 Guide​​

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​© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Francis College (2023)