Our Franciscan Spirit

​​​​​​​​Franciscan Spirituality

​​Francis of Assisi (1182-​1226) did more than anyone else to restore the image of the Jesus of the Gospels to the consciousness of the medieval Church. He did so by reflecting on the life and character of Jesus in his own life.  As a result, he has become a bastion for Christians throughout history to the present day.

Francis' aim was to emulate Jesus in every respect. He took the daily example and teaching of Jesus in the Gospels very seriously and used them as a model for his own life. As his biographer Bonaventura put it, "His only desire was to be like Christ and to imitate him perfectly". In particular, Francis respected the poverty, humility and compassion of Christ. Consequently, he recognised his own sins and failures and worked tirelessly to better himself in admiration of the saviour.

The College mission statement captures Francis’ teachings to be responsible models for justice and the Franciscan spirit of poverty and, ​​in so doing, enacts the values of the dignity of every person. Our College behaviour code is built on the core value of respect for all: ourselves, others and the environment.

"File: St Francis of Assisi, by Małgorzata Wrochna.jpg" by Małgorzata Wrochna is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Franciscan Values

​​St Francis College lives and promotes the Gospel values taught by Jesus and modeled by St Francis and St Clare. These are:

  • Simplicity: We focus on giving rather than having, aiming for lives free from materialism, prejudice, and anything that harms us, with God at the center.

  • Harmony and Peace: We embrace Christ’s peace through humility, love, and unity within our diverse community.

  • Compassion: We respect each person’s dignity, offering kindness and hospitality to everyone, as St Francis did.

  • Hope, Perseverance, and Resilience: We push forward, trusting in God's promise, and continue trying, even in the face of challenges.

  • Reconciliation: We seek to heal relationships through forgiveness, and acknowledging pain while opening up to growth and change.

  • Service and Stewardship: We care for all creation and share our gifts generously, living sustainably and empowering others.

  • Prayer and Reflection: Prayer leads to action as we reflect on the Gospel and strive to bring God’s peace and justice to the world.

These values are espoused and articulated throughout all aspects of College life and serve as a vehicle by which we connect with the Francisc​​an ch​arism and also honour and understand the Jaggera and Yugambeh peoples who walk the land on which St Francis College sits.

Franciscan Schools Australia

​​St Francis College is proud to be part of the Franciscan Schools Australia network of schools from across Australia. The FSA network aims to bring together school communities linked by the Franciscan spiritual tradition begun by St Francis of Assisi over 800 years ago.

The purpose of Franciscan Schools Australia is to enrich and enhance Franciscan spirituality within primary and secondary schools in Australia, through charism support, resources and a network of relationship building.

God's love and compassion are at the heart of our work as educators. Francis teaches us to keep our eyes on God, to reverence creation and to be a good example of joy and peace. To teach as he did we constantly refer all good to God and demonstrate this through the service of others.

Together, we are the good soil and linked by fraternity.

For more information visit the Franciscan Schools Australia website.

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For more information about Francis of Assisi visit Franciscan Media.